Are you debating whether or not gerbils are the ideal pet for you? You’ve come to the right place. Indeed, we understand owning a small pet is challenging, but we can help you keep your pets happy as responsible pet owners.

Gerbils are one such lovely pet for your home. Here are a few advantages and disadvantages to consider before making your selection!

Let’s start with the positive aspects!

They’re Low-Maintenance Animals. Although some pets demand less upkeep than gerbils, gerbils are still extremely low-maintenance animals! On most days, caring for them takes no more than 20 minutes (give or take). So, if you work a lot throughout the week and don’t have a lot of free time, gerbils might be the perfect pet for you! They don’t take up a lot of room.

  • Gerbils don’t require a lot of areas! The following are the minimum cage sizes for gerbils.
  • One gerbil should have a tank that is at least 10 gallons, and any subsequent gerbils should have a tank that is at least 5 gallons.
  • Furthermore, the tank does not need to be particularly large in terms of floor space.
  • You can utilize a taller tank with less floor space if the gerbils have at least 4 inches of bedding, the tank is big enough to contain all of the requisite accessories and toys safely on the first level, and they are routinely let outside of their cage to play!
  • Gerbils are an excellent option if you don’t have enough space in your home for a large cage but still want pets.
  • They are amicable. Gerbils are amiable creatures! Of course, these creatures will be wary of you at first, but after they know that you will not harm them, they will become quite friendly! They will climb on your hands, allow you to hand feed them, and so on after they get to know you.
  • They don’t require a lot of time outside the cage. Gerbils, unlike most other tiny animals, do not require frequent cage releases. It’s enough to let them out of their cage for an hour a week in a spacious playpen.
  • They don’t have a strong odor. Gerbils do not have a foul odor. Additionally, as long as you clean their cage regularly, the cage will not stink! Gerbils may be a good pet for you if you can’t stand the odors that other pets produce.
  • They are inexpensive to maintain. Gerbils are low-maintenance pets that, for the most part, do not require a lot of money to keep. You can also save money on upkeep by using gerbil-safe objects such as chew toys, hideouts, and other objects that you can find around the house.
  • There are several options to choose from. Gerbils come in a variety of colors and sizes. Although gerbils do not have as many variants as other pets, there are various colors and breeds to choose from and the option of selecting between Mongolian and Fat-Tailed gerbils!
  • They dig, burrow, scurry, play, chew, climb, and do various other cute activities. It’s impossible not to smile while you’re watching your gerbils!
  • They’re all amusing. Gerbils each have their distinct characteristics. Some gerbils are daring and enjoy running about and exploring, while others are more reserved!

Their personalities are a big part of what makes them unique!


Although gerbils are lovely pets, they do have some drawbacks. They aren’t cuddly in the least. Gerbils are cuddly pets by many people. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

  • Gerbils are cute and pleasant, but they don’t like being handled for long periods, let alone caressed!
  • They’re pretty small. It may not appear to be a disadvantage, but it is. Because Gerbils are so tiny, they are more likely to escape or being wounded inadvertently.
  • They Have the Potential to Create a Scandal. Gerbils do not make as much of a mess outside their cage as some other pets, but a small amount of bedding will most certainly escape.
  • Gerbils of the same sex should only be housed together. Only house gerbils of the same sex together because gerbil neutering is not commonly available and can be distressing for the gerbil. Otherwise, there are baby gerbils all over the place!

You may need to take them to the veterinarian. Even if it is not a foregone conclusion that you will need to take your gerbils to the veterinarian, it is a different potential that they will become unwell or injured.

Furthermore, not all veterinarians treat gerbils, making it even more challenging to find one that does.

  • You must ensure that they are safe from predators. Predators include dogs and cats as well. So, if you’re going to let other predatory creatures into the gerbil room, make sure the gerbils are safe and secure in their tank or cage. Or, even better, don’t let your dog, cat, or other pet into the gerbil room at all!
  • They don’t have a long life expectancy. Gerbils, unfortunately, only live for 3-4 years, which isn’t very long. They may let go of their tails.

The bottom line

Gerbils drop their tails when caught by a predator in the wild so that they can (sometimes) flee, which hasn’t altered much. If you pick up a gerbil by the tail, it may drop!

Indeed, while you choose Gerbils as your pets, know more to care small pets with us!

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